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Covid-19, the Government and The Bible

A Biblical Outlook Of A World Impacted By Covid-19 And Future Global Problems

It is March 18, 2020 and for the first time in a long time, Canadian society and the world is being told by our governments to stay home, practice social isolation and distancing, self isolate, stay away from people, close your businesses; businesses can only stay open for walk- in service.  There are no dine in services.  Schools and universities are closed; workers are told, "work from home". Movie theatres are closed and governments are saying no social, or group gatherings of people more than 50, in some places even lower.  And the gathering numbers are expected to decrease.

All of this because of a virus called Covid-19. It has infected millions so far and has killed thousands.  The world is being told that in order to stop the spread of this virus we must do what government tell us to do.  Now, there are several critical questions I believe we need to asked.  However, in reality, it is difficult to ask any question because the present duress creates several psychological realities - namely fear, panic, anxiety, suspicion, and worry, all legitimate mental realities.  In spite of what theories exist, the reality is that people are dying. 

But, while we occupy ourselves with being safe, we cannot ignore the fact that there are also serious questions we must address

The questions I think everyone should ask are:

Where did the virus come from? Did it in fact originate in a Chinese wet market or was it created in a virology lab in the same country – China? Or, was it created somewhere else?

Who is controlling the information we are receiving about the virus?

Can we really trust the source of the information and the information itself?

None of these questions are posed to minimize the tragic loss of human life. However, they are important to ask, and more so because people have died and more still will die. 

These questions in and of themselves can really only be considered after asking another but more difficult question: "can we trust the government?" This question requires a more robust processing of our assumptions and beliefs about the role of government and the integrity from which government operates.  I was taught a long time ago to question everything when it comes to government and, if you are a Biblical thinking person, you must view government and world events in light of scripture.  Therefore, how we understand structure and purpose of government in the earth, is based first on how we understand the Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of God. 

We may be tempted to address this last statement in light of a metaphysical or spiritual reality and you wouldn’t be wrong in doing so; but, the spiritual realities are the backdrop of what is manifested or seen in the physical. In other words, Satanic and Godly powers are both at work in the playing out of world affairs.  The Kingdom of Darkness manifest itself in the ordering of world events, while The Kingdom of God has authority over all things.  A keen study of the Book of Daniel, both chapters 2 and 7 describe to us not merely a historical account of the Israel’s existence in Mesopotamia, but something far greater – God’s eternal plan for the unfolding of government events that culminate in the end of all things.  So, failure to study and ask questions about government would be a major lapse in any search for truth.  

When Shall the End Be?

When Jesus answered the disciples question about what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the age, he answered by saying we would experience a series of events that would signal the coming of the end.  These would include wars, rumors of wars; nations would rise against nations and Kingdoms against Kingdom; famines and diseases along with earthquakes in may places (Matt. 24:6-7).

So what does this have to do with the topic of government? Because, Jesus also said governments will fight against government.  Governments make decisions to engage their country in war. As time as progressed, these wars have increased in sophistication. War use to be fought with swords, now they are fought with drones; they are also fought psychologically and biologically, not just with bullets.  Increasingly, today wars are fought with ballets – the votes of people electing their leaders. And, rarely are diseases of pandemic proportions random. They are usually a direct result of human actions (wars).  

Jesus spoke of disease in the same context of wars, and international conflict.  It is therefore not strange to at least ask the question: where did Covid-19 and other diseases originate? Especially when it reaches global pandemic levels. Was it an accident or a deliberate act of psychological, biological and economic warfare?  Is it preparation for the population control agenda, (an agenda which is no longer speculation).  For some people this may sound like conspiracy theory, but, if you are a conscientious student of the Bible, you must realize that “these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet…these are the beginning of sorrows”.  Nation against nation; Kingdom against kingdom;  Countries are in conflict, with these, the stage is being set to galvanize the world theater under one canopy.  Eliminating people, exercising control tactics, are all in line with what must happen to resist rebellion to government ordinances.  If you can recall the threat of the Babylonian King to the 3 Israelite boys if they refused to bow at the sound of the music - it was death by capital punishment (Daniel 3).  It has never been a strange thing for governments to induce force to manipulate people to comply.  Usually governments have to use more subtle and deceptive methods to solicit compliance.    

I don’t have time to address this here, but the world has been consolidating regions for the past three decades;  consider the development of mega cities and Regional alliances, for example, CARICOM,  USMCA, Central American-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (Cafta-Dr), The European Union (EU) And Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec), to name a few.  The move to "governing oneness" is and has been in process for a long time. 

What we are seeing unfold in front of our eyes is something called Technocracy, which is the creation of societies controlled by bureaucrats, experts, scientists and engineers.  It is the ability of this Technocracy, according to David Inke, to use smart technology and AI (Artificial Intelligence) to weave the world together and create a bridge of connectivity.  We are slowly being pulled into a system of control unbeknownst to us because we derive so much benefit from the use of these (and future) technologies – almost everyone has a smart phone today.  Convenience and progress will be the downfall of us all.  As I write this, I think of the emergency alert systems.  When a child is taken we all get a message at the same time.  Isn't that something?  I don’t have any problem with this capability.  But, what about if “they” wanted to get some other message to us?  What if this technology could somehow track our movements?  I am sure you know these are not hypothetical “what if” questions; it is not a stretch to believe that this technology can be used for clandestine purposes. 

Another area of government control is the economic system, the removal of cash.  The Book of Revelations tells us there will be a time (in the future) where no one will be able to buy or sell without government permission, via some form of technology.   The technology that I believe will be used to implement these sinister plans are already being tested.  Destabilization of economic systems and then infusing it with different forms of government stimulus is again another crafty strategy to create dependence.  

It is very important to understand what is happening right now and will continue to happen as governments seize total control over society.  Here is what we will see unfold, a strategy called: Problem – Reaction – Solution.  The “problem” is covertly created, economic, medical/health, climate, conflict; the mainstream media will be used to create the desired “reaction”, fear, panic, anxiety, by the spread of mass information proliferation which will bring people under submission to government control – “solutions”.  People will either demand that the government do something, or worse the government will demand people react in a certain way, as part of the solution.  For example, mass closures of business, schools, the call of social distancing and other social control methods are all preparatory to the imputation of a sinister plan.  

The Satanic ploy has to happen like this because people will not be shocked into submission.  People will resist changes that are too drastic.  You don’t cook a frog by dropping it into a pot of hot water.  He will muster the strength and jump out.  But put the frog in a nice pot of Luke warm water and begin to turn the heat up slowly.   The frog will adjust to the temperature change and slowly be paralyzed. 

Are we being cooked?  Biblically, we rarely spend time understanding HOW the one world government system is going to unfold.  We rarely, contemplate how the anti-Christ will manifest himself.  We usually over sensationalize the end time drama, focusing on the Mark of the Beast, the false prophets and false Christs, paying little attention to the complexity of how these things will come into place.  We don’t stop and think about how socialism and capitalism will all fall into the system of the one world government.  I believe that capitalism will do more for us in terms of individual freedom but because it is a world/man system it will also be a tool in the hands of ungodly men who want nothing more than to control people. 

When it comes to government, question everything.  When it comes to media, believe nothing!  Mainstream media is a tool; a very effective psychological weapon designed to influence the way we think and behave (the major players are liberal, democratic thinkers).

In the final analysis; we are to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.  This trumps every human government system. The Kingdom of God is not of this world, but will defeat and overcome the kingdoms of men. 

Covid-19 will pass, but not without leaving an impact on the world. An impact that will bring us one step closer to the desire of Satan’s master plan – a one world system, with the anti-Christ as its leader, and everyone under his power, pawns in his rebellion against God. 


  1. Very well said! I enjoyed this blog. You made it very clear. I now realize that Jesus' return most likely will take place in my lifetime. There was a time that I didn't believe that, but this article makes it even more clearer to me and especially with the Covid-19 shenanigans. Keep on blogging, it is edifying to the body of Christ to have such a blog. God Bless.

    Missionary Lorna Aikman
    Atlanta, Georgia.

    1. Thanks for reading. His return is nearer than we think


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